Definition of Left coset

1. Noun. (algebra) A left coset of a subgroup is a copy of that subgroup, multiplied on the left by some element from the parent group ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Left Coset

left banks
left behind
left brace
left braces
left bracket
left brackets
left brain
left branch
left colic artery
left colic flexure
left colic lymph nodes
left colic vein
left coronary artery
left coronary artery branches
left coronary vein
left coset
left cosets
left crus of atrioventricular bundle
left crus of diaphragm
left duct of caudate lobe
left fibrous trigone
left field
left fielder
left fielders
left for dead
left gastric artery
left gastric lymph nodes
left gastric vein
left gastro-omental artery
left gastro-omental nodes

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